Saturday, February 21, 2015

Adults Have to Take the Lead

This is a rant, but one that needs to be expressed.

I cannot understand adults who are mean to children because of social difficulties their child is having with another.  Seriously!  My child is not perfect, far from it.  She also has extreme difficulty with social interactions and does not understand how other's perceive her and often has difficulty perceiving social cues from others.  She does have feelings and she does want to have friends even though she has struggles in social settings.  If any parent would talk with me I would happily explain and help them understand.

Two recent experiences have me bewildered at the fact that adults are acting in this way toward children.  Shouldn't we be mentoring our children and helping them navigate their social world?  Shouldn't we be coming along side them and helping them sit down and productively problem solve with their peers so they learn to be positive social citizens of the world?

When my child invited a neighborhood friend to come and play the mother stood there calling my child names and telling her daughter she can't even be friends with mine.  These girls are not even 10 yet!  Another walked through a public setting obviously glaring at my child and then at me, like we were the scourge of the earth, only to find out later that her child has been picking on mine.

It breaks my heart to sit with my child as she cries her eyes out at night wishing she had friends and not being able to understand what is going on.  You know when she tells me she has a note on her desk from a classmate saying she hopes she dies, I am irate inside!  But, I don't go tell the other child she is worthless and no one should ever be her friend.  I tell my child that anyone who would say that must really be hurting inside.

How does this get better when the adults refuse to act like adults and build up the human race rather than tear down innocent children before they reach double digits in age?

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